Sunday, September 30, 2007

Well it's official, Lebron James is not very funny. I caught most of his appearance on SNL last night and wasn't all that surprised that he's not a very good actor. Half the time he was just playing himself and not very convincingly. You know the host isn't very good when he or she gets very small parts and few spoken lines. Hopefully he'll watch a tape of the show and realize that he's better of if he just sticks to BBall and ad that don't require him to act. So he can avoid pulling a Shaq. But enough Lebron bashing, he is certainly an awesome baller and that's more than enough.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Sorry about the long hiatus, assuming someone was reading to begin with, classes and personal life snuck up on me. I am going to give this thing another try, we'll see how that works out.

So, training camp is almost upon us, anyone excited yet? I have never really understood why team would hold their camps overseas, see the Raptors. All that travel, plus the distractions of Europe just don't seem to be a recipe for productive training.

Anyone else worried about the potential injury woes for the Raptors this season. Bosh's foots kinda iffy, as is Garbajosa's ankle. They also had several players in the international competitions this summer, that extra wear and tear could be problematic. At least they have one of the deepest teams in the league this year, which means that they can weather any injuries, even to some key players, and still come out ok.

On a completely seperate note, my Sun Devils are 4-0 and ranked, which means they are due for an upset. We'll see if the new coach can do a better job of keeping them focused than Kotterer(or however you spell his name) used to. At least they seem to have learn how to play defense and that's never a bad thing.

Well, I'm out, night all.