Thursday, August 16, 2007

When will this go away already

Any else tired to this whole ref scandal yet? Call it apathy, call it indifference, call it what you will, but I simply don't care that one NBA ref was a little crooked. I mean, when the story first broke it seemed like the end of the NBA world. The whole thing was going to go up in flames on a pyre built by the unbelievers (anyone not a hardcore NBA fan). A ref had cheated, he had fixed games. Then it became, that Donaghy had manipulated the spread, to make money on gambling. Then it was that he was manipulating the over/under for the same purpose, which is not a big deal to anyone unless they were betting. Finally, unless he faces further charges, it turns out that all he did was give some small-time bookies some insider information. Apparently this is a major crime, since he's looking at 25 years and some hefty fines, but from the perspective of a non-betting NBA fan it's pretty meaningless. Really, who cares that he helped a couple of minor criminals make some money, wasn't the important part of this whole fiasco that he was altering the outcome of certain games, which apparently he wasn't. Can't we just move on and focus on more important issue. Like Chris Bosh's foot injury and how it might affect the chances of the Raptors winning the championship this year (in case you think I'm nuts, I don't actually thing their chances are all that great to begin with, but you never know).

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